Comments Posted By ignore strawmen
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“Is it really a question of elites versus the rest? I hardly think my little blog catapults me into that exclusive club.”

Your right – your little blog doesn’t catapult you into the elitist ivory tower club but this does……

“But even if you think Beck was joking around, the way he said it would give most of his listeners the idea that he was serious”

Pure elitism – you and your vast superior intellect knows he most likely is “joking around” but wait - what about the great unwashed that have trouble figuring out the difference between apples and oranges. They will be confused and misled without having the superior intellect such as the one I possess.

I must think for the common man!

I must speak for the common man!

I must question this man’s speech!

It could be harmful!!

Does Glenn Beck push the boundaries? Yes. Does Glenn Beck sometimes get a little kooky in front of the Camera? Yes. Does Glenn Beck at the core of his message hit a raw nerve among the silent majority? YES!

Someone who listens to what he is saying can not draw an ideological line around him. He has skewered Republicans as well as Democrats and is right to question whether or not government (not Democrats not Republicans but government) has grabbed too much power.

Wasn’t it at one time the media’s responsibility in American society to be the fourth pillar of government – challenge the powerful, challenge the elite, be the voice of the people.

Here we have someone actually challenging the powerful and we are suppose to be worried someone might “get confused” with what he is saying?

I don’t think he is the one we should be concerned about. No, the person who thinks that Glenn Beck is dangerous because he is challenging those who are in power on whether or not they have too much power is what the media should be doing.

Comment Posted By ignore strawmen On 8.04.2009 @ 13:44

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